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Presentation transcript:


Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman ひなまつり ひなまつりってなんですか? おんなのこのまつりです。 Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman

Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman

Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman このおふたりはだれですか? おだいりさま O-Dairi-sama おひなさま O-Hina-sama Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman

Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman これはなんですか。 Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman

Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman これはなんですか。 Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman

ひな祭り(ひなまつり) Doll Festival/Girl’s Day 2/3 ひな祭り(ひなまつり) Doll Festival/Girl’s Day Event: On this event, families will set up displays of Hina dolls that are clothed colorful Kimonos and will eat special sweets. Hina dolls are the symbol of this holiday and are displayed in tiers in homes and community shrines. Once the occasion is over, however, dolls must be stored away promptly because of the belief that if not, girls will marry late. Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman and ENS Brian Yoo

ひな祭りって何ですか。 Hina Matsuri - Japanese Doll Festival (Awesome old informational video)

ひな祭りの音楽 ひな祭りのビデオ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFugKy3Baic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YORBK20mX74

http://en.origami-club.com/others/ohina1/index.html http://en.origami-club.com/others/ohina3/index.html

ひな祭り人形の折り紙のビデオ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoe0vrJexVs

ひな祭り(ひなまつり) Doll Festival/Girl’s Day 3/3 ひな祭り(ひなまつり) Doll Festival/Girl’s Day Helpful Resources: Websites web-japan (Part 1) (GREAT FOR HISTORY AND INFO) web-japan (Part 2) (GREAT FOR HISTORY AND INFO) web-japan (More about Hina Matsuri) nippon (Great Information) http://www.mamalisa.com/blog/dolls-festival-in-japan/ Videos Hina Matsuri - Japanese Doll Festival (Awesome old informational video) In-Class Activities: Midshipmen can see what a Hina doll looks like (if one is available). Other than that, it would be impossible to make a hina doll and hard to make relevant origami. Perhaps Midshipmen can enjoy good Japanese food. Created by Dr. Erica Zimmerman and ENS Brian Yoo