Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)


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Presentation transcript:

Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) 日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)

Group debate Proposals (論題) Japan should recognise dual nationality (日本は二重国籍を認めるべきである) Group 1 for (肯定側)/ Group 2 against (否定側) b) Permanent residents should be given voting and employment rights (永住外国人に参政権と公務員管理職権を与えるべきである) Group 3 for / Group 4 against c) A Law against Hate Speech is not Necessary in Japan(日本のヘイトスピーチ対策法は必要ない) Group 5 for / Group 6 against d) Compensation should be given to ‘sex-slaves’ and ‘slave-labourers’ (従軍慰安婦と強制労働者に賠償すべきである) Group 7 for / Group 8 against e) All foreign entrants should be photographed and fingerprinted (全ての外国人入国者に指紋押捺・撮影を課すべきである) Group 9 for / Group 10 against

For (Affirmative)=odd numbers 肯定(側):論題に対して賛成の立場を取るチーム Against (Negative)=even numbers 否定(側):論題に対して反対の立場を取るチーム

Debate Rules/Advice A debate is organised by time & a set of procedures. A debate is not a free-for-all argument; do not talk or interrupt the other team Don’t read, talk; avoid “We/I think….” Keep points simple & easy to remember a string of facts is often difficult to follow Listen carefully and take notes Find holes in your opponents’ arguments


Phase 1: Opening (Proposer & Opposer) Outline “We have 3 points why Japan should (not) recognise dual nationality. First, (safety), second (security), third (simplicity).” Expand (explain points in more more detail) “First, ……Second, …….., Third,……..” Review “In summary, our three points were….”

GROUPS 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 GROUPS 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Phase 2: Rebuttal (Seconder) Outline “You presented 3 points why permanent residents should (not) be given voting rights. Expand (attack each point in turn) “First, you said 1, but actually…. Second, you said 2, which is true but….. Third, you said 3, but the fact is that…..” Review “In summary, your three points were….”

GROUPS 2, 4, 6 etc write here while listening!

GROUPS 1, 3, 5 etc write here while listening!

Phase 3: Conclusion/Summary 1 MINUTE! Phase 3: Conclusion/Summary Dismiss all opposition arguments “Your arguments focused on X, but ignored Y” Final Message (Slogan/Keyword) : Highlight the crux or essence of the argument! “The most important point to remember is….”

Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) 日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)

Homework: How was it? Please e-mail me with your feedback about the debate (questions also ok!) Note – this will also be your attendance Deadline: Friday (6:00pm) Length: 1~2 paras

Homework: How was it? Please e-mail me with your feedback about the debate (questions also ok!) Note – this will also be your attendance Deadline: Friday (6:00pm) Length: 1~2 paras