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ことばの意味の学習に含まれる プロセス 最初の語と意味のマッピング 最初のマッピングでの大まかな意味を再調整する 語と対象を結びつける おおまかな内包を推論する(語の指示するカテゴリーを推論する) 最初のマッピングでの大まかな意味を再調整する 語の意味は単独では決まらず、隣接する語との境界を調整する必要

初期の意味の再調整 新しい語を学ぶことによって、すでにレキシコンにある語の意味を再調整する

Haryu & Imai実験 3,4歳児対象に既知物に新しいラベルを付与、ラベルの拡張パターンを調べる 2つの実験条件 高類似群 低類似群 被験者のスクリーニング ターゲットを既知の基礎レベル名(ボール、スプーン)で呼んだ子供のみ本実験に参加



Haryu & Imai実験結果 子どもは新しい語を学習すると、その語の学習によってすでに知っている語の意味の再構造化(特に語の境界の再調整)を行うことができる もとの語の典型的なカテゴリーメンバーに新しい語   →もとの語の下位カテゴリーに新しい語をマッピング もとの語のあまり典型的でないメンバーに新しい語 →その対象をもとのカテゴリーから除外し、もとのカテゴリーの境界を狭める。新しい名前をもとのカテゴリーと対比の関係にあるカテゴリーにマッピング

隣接する語がたくさんある意味領域 では たくさんの語のあいだで語の境界を整理していかなければならないので、大人のように語を使い分けるのにはかなり時間がかかる 子どもはどのように同じ意味領域に属する類似の語の意味を整理し、ただしい(大人のような)意味を学んでいくのだろうか?

語彙獲得における動詞の使い分けに関する研究 中国語の「持つ」系動詞を事例として 12月16日 於 東京言語研究所 10

言語獲得の過程 Fast-mapping(即時マッピング): 子どもは一度語を聞いただけで,驚くほど正確にその語の意味(参照対象)を推測できる 言語獲得の過程はここで終わりではない! Reorganization(意味の再編成): 子どもは長い時間かけて試行錯誤しながら,語の意味を大人の用いるような意味になるように再編成していく First, I’m gonna talk about background of this study. In past decades, researchers have attempted to characterize how children learn words and built up the lexicon. Especially, much effort has devoted to the problem of how young children break the barrier of mapping words onto the world at the initial stage of lexical development. Actually, researchers found that children are often able to map a word to its meaning on the first exposure to the word. This is called fast-mapping ability. Children's ability to fast-map is an extremely important first-step for building up the lexicon. But what children achieve by fast-mapping is often overestimated. Success of fast-mapping does not mean children have acquired adult-like meaning of the word because children might make over-extension or under-extension errors when they use the words. So children go through reorganization process after the initial accomplishment of fast-mapping. Fast-mapping Reorganization

語の意味の学習 即時マッピングでは終わらない言語獲得のプロセス 語の意味は単独で,自律的に成立しているのでは無く,他の語の意味との間に依存して成立している. 語を大人と同じ様に運用するためには,単独の語でなく,複数の語の間における意味関係を整理しなければならない. では言語獲得に関して,子どもは複数語彙の関係を如何にして(何を手掛かりに,どの様な過程を経て)構築していくのか? Fox Doggy Doggy Then, what happens during the reorganization process? In reorganization process, lexical contrast plays an important role. Children need to delineate the boundary of different verbs in the same semantic domain. For example, children originally use the word “doggy” too broadly, referring to other small, four-legged animals such as fox or cats. But they learn the words for those animals (cat, fox), children no longer use “doggy” for them, and over-extension error stops. So it is important to examine how a change in the word meaning affects that of neighboring word by looking at children’s understanding the meanings of word in the same domain as a whole. In other words, in this research, we say “children have acquired the word meaning” when they have acquired full adult-like meaning. If we define “word meaning acquisition” this way, another key issue in the literature of lexical development will arise.

「学習の指標」 これまでの言語獲得研究について,何を以て子どもが「語を学習した」と捉えるかは必ずしも真剣に考えられてきたわけではなかった どの語を用いたか どの時期に用いたか どれくらいの頻度用いたか It has been one of major interests among researchers of lexical development to clarify what types of words are learned more readily than others. For example, some researchers argue that some types of words are conceptually more easily accessible and hence are more readily learned universally. Other researchers, however, argue for the importance of input properties of the specific language the child is learning. (これは時間が無いかも…) Regardless of which position researchers take (to address this problem), “acquisition of word meaning” must be defined. Most previous researches were interested in how easily children learn words at the stage of fast-mapping, only looking at the initial stages of lexical development and using the timing of first correct usage of the word as the index of the acquisition of word meaning. In other words, words that children produce very early are thought to be easy-to-learn. However, a quite different story may arise if we define the acquisition of word meaning as convergence of adult-like understanding of the word meaning (rather than how early the word enters in children’s vocabulary). We will thus examine factors influence the full mastery of word meanings, looking at what properties of words lead to early convergence of adult-like usages of the word. Fast-mapping Reorganization どれくらい大人と同じ様に語と語の関係を理解し用いることが出来るか

持つ・運ぶ動作に関することばの意味 日本語 持つ、抱える、抱く、背負う、担ぐ、支える 英語 Carry, hold 中国語は?

研究の題材 中国語の持つ/運ぶ系同士 モノの持ち方によって,多くの動詞が存在する(20種類以上) 中国語を母国語とする子どもは,これらの動詞の意味関係を如何にして学習するのか? Paying attention to learning words as a system, Chinese carry/hold verbs have very interesting features. Of course, carry/hold actions are very common for children, in addition to that, there are many kinds of manners of carry/hold verbs in Chinese. For exam, in English, the events of holding object are mostly represented by the single verb “hold”. Hold on back, hold on head, hold on shoulder. (if they are moving, “carry”) But Chinese verbs distinguish all of them by different verbs. Hold on bag, “bei”, hold on head, “ding”, and hold on shoulder, “kang”. How Chinese children could learn the use of this complex verb system is very interesting issue. 15

研究の目的 子どもはどの様に語と語の関係を整理し,大人と同じ様な語の用い方を学んでいくのか? ->Study1, Study2, In sum, the aim of this study is the following. First, to investigate how do young children sort out the relationships among meanings of different verbs? (study1,2). And secondly, what kind of words are more readily to learn for children? (study3).

被験者・刺激 産出課題(3-7years, adults). 理解課題(adults) 刺激: 3歳児(16), 5歳児(20), 7歳児(21),大学生(21). 理解課題(adults) 大学生(27) 刺激: それぞれが中国語の持つ/運ぶ系動詞に対応する13のビデオを撮影した. Next, I’ll talk about information of experiment. Two kinds of experiments were conducted in this study. One is production task, another is comprehension task. These people participated in this experiment. And for stimuli, we selected various 13 Chinese verbs and prepared the video of them. Each of which depicts different kind of Chinese carry/hold verbs. 17

Stimuli Verbs Participants, Stimuli tuo bao bei ding ju kua kang duan lin na jia ti These are stimuli sets. For exam, in bao’s video, agent was holding stuffed animal in her arm. In other videos, agent was holding object in different manner. peng Stimuli Verbs 18

2-2. Procedure 産出課題(3-7years, adults) 理解課題(adults only) 被験者はビデオを見て,その動作を表す最も適した動詞を答える どの動詞が何回出てきたかをカウントした 理解課題(adults only) 被験者はビデオと,動詞のペアを見て,その動詞がビデオをマッチしているかをYes/Noで答えた(13:videosX13verbs) その後各ペアにおけるYes反応の割合を計算した. In production task, participants see the video and are asked to produce the best verb referring to the video. In comprehension task, subjects saw all combinations of videos and verbs and were asked to answer whether the verb could be applied to the action in the video. And then, in production task, the number of responses to each video are add up within age group In comprehension task, the percentages of “Yes” which corresponds to each video are calculated within age groups. In the following analyses, we use production matrix mainly. 19

それぞれの動作にどの動詞を割り当てるか 手続き: 産出テスト:被験者はビデオを見て,刺激文に回答する

分析に用いた行列 *もし被験者がこちらが想定した通りに動詞を産出するとすれば,数字は行列の対角線上に並ぶことになる Produced verb Stimuli videos I’ll share you raw data. The matrix is simple. Stimuli videos are put on the row. And generated verbs are in the column. If participants produced the verb appropriately as we had assumed, values are likely to concentrate on diagonal line. Seeing adult matrix, participants tended to be able to produce the verb for the corresponding video, compared to more low ages. Total number of subjects *もし被験者がこちらが想定した通りに動詞を産出するとすれば,数字は行列の対角線上に並ぶことになる 21

子どもの語の運用はどの様に大人の運用 に収束するか? 産出の行列同士がどの程度“似ているか”を調査 各年齢群の行列の行同士で相関係数を産出し,4つの相関行列を作成 4つの相関行列同士の相関を産出 結果として産出された値は,各年齢の行列(産出パターン)同士がどれくらい似ているかという指標になる To investigate the process of how children’s production pattern comes to be near with adults’ pattern, correlation analysis was conducted. Correlation values are calculated with all pairs of row vectors within each age group and as a result, we got 4 correlation matrices. Then again we correlated the all pairs of 4 matrices. The result value represents the similarity among production patterns of 4age groups. 22

子どもの語の運用はどの様に大人の運用 に収束するか? This is the result of correlation analysis. Seeing this graph, correlations with adult matrix increased linearly from 3-year-olds to 7-year-olds. And even in 7years, correlation value is not so high, oh point five eight, much lower than intra-adults. So it seems to take long time for children to use these words in the same way adults do. Correlation analysis is very interesting suggestion, but it shows only general tendency of raw matrices. To research more detail information about subject’s use of verbs, we tried coverage analysis next. 相関係数の値は年齢を経るに従って直線的に大人に近づく しかし7歳児でも,その相関は0.6程度 23

個々の動詞の運用はどの様な過程を経て大人に近づくか? 個々の動詞がどれだけ広い範囲のビデオに用いられているかを調べるため,情報エントロピー値を産出 動詞が拠り広い範囲のビデオを参照していれば,エントロピー値は高くなる. (Max: log213) Which verb can converge into adults’ use more easily? It is well known that children tend to overextend some kinds of word in their early stage of acquisition. So there is a possibility that convergence pattern in correlation analysis might be different from verb to verb. In this analysis, we investigate what kind of verb tends to be overextended or under extended. We adopted entropy to make quantitative index of how broadly a range of events a verb can refers. Entropy is the measure of the amount of information originally but often represents dispersion of nominal scale in statistical context. In this case, we calculated entropy with the vector of column, so the broader a range of events a verb refers to, the higher bits of entropy the verb receives. (Note that the total number of frequency in each column is different among verbs. So we have to pay attention to a change of entropy each verb gets through age groups mainly.)

個々の動詞の運用はどの様な過程を経て大人に近づくか? エントロピー値の推移 Only 8 verbs which appeared more than 5 times in all age groups are selected because information entropy with very low frequent values can’t show dispersion effectively. O.K let’s see the graph. Generally, the values of information entropies of all verbs are very low in adults’ production, and higher in children’s production. It means that adults could produce a verb for fewer videos including the one we assumed advance, but children produced the verb for broader videos. And more interestingly, the curves of entropy values are not the same from verb to verb. Most striking contrast is that of “ding” and “na”. The values of “ding” are all “0” through all age groups, and the values of “na” are very high in 3-, 5-, 7-years groups but sloped steeply down to adult group. We interpret from these results that this contrast depends on how much the event has the overlapped boundary with other events. That is, the event of “ding”, which is the action of “holding object on the top of head”, is perceptually distant from other events. Other events which are referred by Chinese verbs are not hold object by “head”. So children could use “ding” for the only appropriate event of “ding” from the beginning. On the other hand, the event of “na”, which is the action of “holding object by hand”, is more daily and perceptually ambiguous event and it has much more overlapped boundary with other events referred by other Chinese carry/hold verbs “lin” or “ti”. Na’s entropy is high even in adult’s data. Native speaker of Chinese can permit to use “na” for broad events in which the object is held by hands. So “na” is very convenient verb for children to express holding events. Actually, in this experiment 3-, 5-, 7-years children produced it more frequently than adult did. But these results did not mean children can use “na” in the same way adults do because children have made more mistakes to use the verb for corresponding event. Entropy values shows us it is very difficult for children to use “na” not overextending it to other similar events. Verbs which are used more frequently and daily, and have ambiguous borders with other events may be easier for children to produce but difficult to use it appropriately. 殆ど全ての動詞が大人になると少ないビデオに対してのみ産出されるようになる 変化の推移は動詞によって大きく異なるー>例えばNaとDing 25

子どもにとってどの様な語が「学習しやすい」語なのか? 子どもの“語の学習”を捉える二つの指標 語の産出頻度 -> 子どもがその語を「頻繁に」用いれば,子どもがその語をよりよく「学習している」と捉える 大人の運用への収束への度合い -> 子どもがより「大人に近いやり方で」複数語を運用していれば,子どもがその語をよりよく「学習している」と捉える 二つの指標をとることによって,どの様に「学習しやすい語」の性質が異なるか? In this section, we investigate what kind of words are more readily to learn for children. As we described before, in considering the extent to which children “have acquired” the word, we can give two ways of thinking. We used both of them index to investigate whether the results are different. One is produced frequency, how frequently children produce the word, which is used in most previous researches. In this case, we can infer that children “have acquired” the words much better when children come to use the word more frequently than before. Another is correlation with adults, how much the production pattern of the words is similar to that of adults. We consider this index reflects the depth of word meaning much better. In this case, we can infer that children “have acquired” the words better when children come to use the word with more similar pattern to adults than before, including the understanding of relationship among the neighboring words. We pick up both of them for independent values of respective multiple regression analysis. To prepare the produced frequency as independent values, we summed up the produced frequency of each verb in 3-7years’ matrices. And for independent values as correlation, we correlated the each event vector in 3-7years’ matrices with the corresponding vector in adult’s production matrix. Finally, we got six vectors for independent values 26

子どもにとってどの様な語が「学習しやすい」語なのか? どの様な要因が,「語の学習のしやすさ」に影響を与えるだろうか? 動詞の意味のカバー範囲 動詞が参照する動作のあいまい性 コーパスにおける頻度(Corpus of Beijing Language Institute,1986 ) 動詞の意味のカバー範囲 動詞の参照する動作のあいまい性 Next, we change the focus to dependent values. We prepared 3 dependent values in this analysis: verb coverage, boundary overlap, and corpus frequency. Former two values are calculated from comprehension matrix of adults (because we would like to investigate what predictor contribute to the ease of learning best, so dependent values must have the information of general semantic representation of Chinese carry/hold verbs). Adults’ comprehension data is suitable for this aim. The first value we choose for regression input is “verb coverage”, the scale of how broadly a verb can cover events. To make verb coverage available for regression, we calculated entropy of each verb with the column of adults’ comprehension data. The broader a range of events a verb refers to, the higher bit entropy the verb receives. The second value is “boundary overlap”. This value reflects the scale of how broadly an event can be represented by verbs. From the result of study2, we consider this is very important predictor of how readily children learn the word. This value was again calculated as the entropy using the row of adults’ comprehension matrix. So the more kinds of verbs an event can be represented by, the higher bits of entropy the event receives. The third value is “corpus frequency”. It seems to be very persuasive argument that how frequently children hear a word influences the ease of learning of it. Verb1 Verb1 Verb2 Verb3 27

子どもにとってどの様な語が「学習しやすい」語なのか? 学習の指標: 子どもがどれくらい頻繁に語を用いるか 3years 5years 7years 動作のあいまい性 -.27 -.39 -.48* コーパスにおける頻度 .64* .60* .59* 動詞のカバー範囲 .42 .40 .49 First, I’ll show you the results of using index of produced frequency. The beta values of corpus frequency are all significant through age groups and contribute the model in the positive direction. It means the more frequently children hear the words, the more frequently children produces it. (And the beta value of event ambiguity in 7years is significant and contributes more negatively than in 3 or 5years’ models. These results suggest that frequency of verbs children produce strongly depended on how frequently the verb was used in adults’ usage. In addition to that, verb coverage’s contributions were also high in all ages’ model (3years: .42, 5years: 40, 7years: 49), though there were no significant effects. Generally, frequently used verbs tend to cover more broad events than less frequently used verbs. Verbs which get high degree of verb coverage are very convenient for children to use leaving the question whether it is appropriate use. These Beta values of relevant models support such our ideas. ) コーパスにおける頻度 が要因として子どもがどれくらい頻繁に語を用いるかに影響を与えている 子どもは身の回りで多く話されている語ほど,自分も多く産出する. 28

子どもにとってどの様な語が「学習しやすい」語なのか? 学習の指標: 大人の運用への収束の度合い. 3years 5years 7years 動作のあいまい性 -.73 * -.81* -86 * コーパスにおける頻度 .39 -.00 -.17 動詞のカバー範囲 .09 .18 .19 Next, I’ll share you the regression model in which degree of convergence with adults is used for dependent value. The beta values of boundary overlap are all significant through age groups and contribute the model greatly in the negative direction. So the higher degree of boundary overlap value a verb gets, the harder children learn to use the verb in the same way adults do. To use verbs in adult-like way, children have to learn the boundary of events to which different verbs refer. This result is consistent with study2. And interestingly, beta values of frequency in corpus decreases from 3years to 7years. In early ages, input frequency seems to be also important for children to use verb in adult-like way. But in later ages, this importance is disappeared. We can speculate from this result that children in early stage have a stronger inclination to learn the verbs by imitating the adults’ production than later stage. Anyway, to produce verbs in adult-like way, boundary-overlap contributes greatly to the model. (to use different index of ease of learning shows us different factor to predict it. For future language acquisition study, we have to take notice that) 動作のあいまい性 が要因として大人の運用への収束の度合いに影響を与えている. 動詞の参照する動作が他の動詞でも表しうる(あいまいな意味を持った)動詞ほど,子どもは学習するのが難しい 29

考察 子どもの動詞産出のパターンは,年齢を経るに従って順調に大人のパターンに近づいた(分析1) しかし個々の動詞の産出パターンには大きな違いあった(分析2) 子どもが頻繁に産出する語を「学習が進んだ語」として考えるのであれば,「身の回りで多く話されている語」(例えばNa)が学習が容易な語である(分析3) しかし… Our research provides insights into how children learn to divide the domain into lexical categories and map each verb onto appropriate semantic space. In study1, he pattern of children’s production come to be near with that of adults, but convergence pattern is very different from verb to verb in study2. 30

考察 大人の運用への収束の度合いを学習の指標として捉えるのであれば,あいまい性の低い動詞(他の動詞の参照する動作とは明らかに異なる動きを参照している動詞:Dingなど) が,学習が容易な語(大人に早く収束する語)である 一方で産出の頻度が高いNaの様な語は,産出の頻度こそ高いものの,一方で過剰に汎用してしまう結果大人とかなり異なった運用の仕方をするため,大人と同じ様に運用するためには時間がかかる And in study3, children find it easier to map words referring to events that perceptually isolated from other events (e.g. "ding”). Children tend to produce high frequency words (e.g. “na”), but often make overextension errors. Even if children use a verb frequently, this does’t mean children can use the verb in the same way adults do. 31

考察 「語の学習」の中身をどう捉えるかで,その学習の過程の捉え方が大きく異なる 産出の時期が早い語? 産出の頻度が高い語? 特に「ただ産出する」「対象を参照できる」という観点のみでなく,「複数の語の関係を」「大人と同じ様に」用いることが出来るかどうかという点は大変重要である. Definition of “word meaning of acquisition” needs to be reconsidered. Early appearance? Frequently appearance?  Convergence to adult use? Different definition can draw different picture of developmental process 32

子どもはもっとも頻度が高く使われる動詞をもっともよく言う。しかし最初はその語を過剰に使用する。 他の語との境界の重なりが多い語ほど、おとなのような意味を学習するのに時間がかかる 他の語と重なる境界がない語は大人の意味を獲得するのが早い。 もっとも範囲が広く、過剰般用される語は、重なりがある複数の語との境界が整理されてはじめておとなの意味になる。つまり、初期にもっとも頻繁に使われ、過剰般用される語の学習にはもっとも時間がかかる

本研究の位置づけ 中国語母国語話者 中国語を学習する学習者 (大人:大学生) (日本語/韓国語を母国語とする学習者) 母国語の影響?? そして、本研究の位置づけですが、じゃすでに母語体系が確立されている学習者の運用パターンは どのようにネイティブに近づいていくのか? 子どもと学習者の最も違うところは、母語を持っているということ。 中国語を母国語とする幼児 (3歳児,5歳児,7歳児)

本研究の実験の概要 刺激 手続き 被験者 Saji et al. (2008)で用いた,13の中国語の動詞の表す動作を撮影したビデオ 産出課題 被験者はビデオを見て,その動作を最もよくあらわすと思われる中国語の動詞をひとつ,答える 被験者 中国語母国語話者21名,日本語母国語話者20名,韓国語母国語話者30名

日本語,韓国語の特徴 日本語の特徴 ・持っている「モノ」の位置、前後や高低によっ て用いる動詞が異なる.「背負う:背中」,モノを「担   て用いる動詞が異なる.「背負う:背中」,モノを「担   ぐ:肩」「抱える:両手で前に」等 ・より汎用的に用いられる「持つ」. 韓国語の特徴 ・同じ「抱く」という動作でも,動物とモノでは用いる動詞は異なる.「anda(抱く)」 ・より汎用的に用いられる「dulda(持つ)」. ・「bei(背負う)」「kua(掛ける)」に対しては,「モノ」の前後情報による動詞の使い分けはあまりせず,「meda(掛ける)」で表現される. 日本語と韓国語何が違うのかを明確にすべし 特に韓国語は,モノの性質が本当に効いてるのかどうか,様々な例を挙げながら,ネイティブチェックをすべし(中国語のネイティブチェックのときは,最初オブジェクトだと思っていたら色々なオブジェクトで見ていたらそうでもなかったようです) Medaだけではなく,韓国語で他の持つ系動詞はどの様なバリエーションがあるか,探ってみる.「抱える」とか,「背負う」にあたる語は本当に無いのか?


分析1:学習歴と語彙数の関係 一方で,学習歴(ヶ月)と学習者が知っている語彙数との相関は(日本語母国語話者:-.16韓国語母国語話者:-.16)と無相関に近い 語彙の使い分けの学習は通常の学習過程では中々進みにくい? 学習暦6,7年,留学経験があるにもかかわらず,適切な使い分けはなされていない。 子どもと違って時間がかかるのではなく、意識的に概念変化を起こす必要がある

分析2:運用パタンの比較 韓国語を母国語とする学習者(平均学習歴39ヶ月),日本語を母国語とする学習者(平均学習歴28ヶ月)の,中国語母国語話者との相関はそれほど高くない(3歳児と近い) 両学習者の相関の値に有意な差はない

運用の仕方は具体的に どのように違うか MDSを用いて動作を動詞を用いてどの様に参照し分けたかを視覚的に表す MDSとは 類似度/非類似度データをもちい,データ同士の距離関係を空間的にプロットする統計的手法 本研究では,被験者が動詞を用いて,どのビデオとどのビデオを似ていると判断したのかを分析する

MDS結果-中国語話者 Bao(50%) Bei(85%) ju(35%) jia(35%) duan(35%) kang(25%) 割合直さなきゃ。。。 kang(25%) na(35%)

MDS結果-日本語話者 掛ける 担ぐ 背負う 持つ 掲げる 抱く kang(25%) na(20%) Dai(50%) Bei(85%) それぞれのプロットがビデオということを分かるようにします.それぞれの動詞がどのビデオの動作と結びつくのか分かりやすくするために画像をつけました. 噴出しの中は各ビデオ(もしくはビデオグループ)に関してDominantに産出された語の割合です 例えば,beiのビデオだったら被験者は85%動詞beiを産出しているということになります. 真ん中の方にあるごちゃっとしてるのは全部のビデオで産出された動詞のうちの57%がNaということです. これで何がいい対価というと,真ん中のごちゃっとしてるのは一般的な動詞であるNaであらわされている割合が高いので使い分けられておらず,そのほかの動詞は割と動詞を知っていて,産出できているということですね.(juとdingはそれでもNaが一番多いのですけれど.まぁその割合が低く,そのほかの動詞を使っているということなんですね) na(57%) 抱く Bao(50%) na(35%)

MDS結果-韓国語話者 ding(23%) bao(68%) na(50%) bei(70%) dai(50%)

考察 共通の特徴 中国語ではいくつかに分けられる動作「na」「ti」「lin」「duan」「tuo」に対して,日本語では「持つ」,韓国語では「dulda」で表現されている. 日本語母国語話者 「持つ」以外の動詞「背負う」「掛ける」「担ぐ」「抱く」に対しては,母国語で対応する動詞が存在し,それが「持つ」とそれ以外の動詞を分けている要因ではないか. 韓国語母国語話者 「持つ」以外,特に「背負う」「抱く」に対しては,母国語で対応する動詞が存在し, それが「bei」「kua」「bao」と「持つ」系動詞を分けているのではないか. 母語に立ち返って判断する。

まとめ 本研究の結果は,学習者が語の使い分けをどの様に学習するかを探り,学習者は母国語の語彙の体系を外国語の学習に際してもそのまま当てはめる傾向があることを示した この結果は,学習者が語彙の使い分けを学習する際に,母語と学習の対象となる言語の語彙は1対1対応であるわけではないことを意識する指導の必要があることを示唆する また方法論的には,語彙の使い分けに関して,統計的に,その学習の進度及び母国語の影響を調査する方法のモデルケースを示した