Japanese Food Culture: Natural or Political? Mizuki Arai
‘washoku’ ☆2013年12月 ユネスコ無形文化遺産登録 ☆日本人の伝統的な食文化 ☆「自然を尊ぶ」日本人の気質 ☆4つの特徴
「和食」の4つの特徴 1)多様で新鮮な食材とその持ち味の尊重 2)健康的な食生活を支える栄養バランス 3)自然の美しさや季節の移ろいの表現 4)正月などの年中行事との密接な関わり
Japanese Food Culture: Natural or Political?
Outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining terms 3. Evidences for Natural 4. Evidences for Political 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 7. My thesis
1. Defining terms 1.1 Food Culture 1.2 Natural 1.3 Political
Food Culture ○ Characteristics of foods and eating that is peculiar to each race and each area. (コトバンク) ○ Influenced by the history of Japan and the environment. (食文化研究推進懇談会)
Political:it is influenced by the power& the authority of the nation and some goverments. Natural:NOT political… It is NOT influenced politically. It does NOT have any political operation.
Japanese Food Culture: Natural or Political? ⇩ It has influenced and changed by the power of the government at those times?
outline 3. Evidences for Natural 3.1 Daily Culture 3.2 Social Change 1. Introduction 2. Defining terms 3. Evidences for Natural 3.1 Daily Culture 3.2 Social Change 4. Evidences for Political 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion
≪Evidences for Natural≫ 3.1 Daily Culture
≪Evidences for Natural≫ 3.1 Daily Culture ☆Link with Japanese annual events (To intensify the bond in the community) →Japanese food culture has been came in the life of people deeply and developed slowly= NATURAL
≪Evidence for Natural≫ 3.2 Social Change
≪Evidence for Natural≫ 3.2 Social Change ☆The food habit(2 meals a day)was changed by the appearance of cheap rapeseed oil in the Edo period. (Sakai2001:29) →the Establish of new lifestyle having 3meals →The conformity to the society at those times. =NATURAL
outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining terms 3. Evidences for Natural 4. Evidences for Political 4.1:帝国食育会 4.2:早寝早起き朝ごはん国民運動 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion
≪Evidence for Political≫ 4.1 Imperial food educational association
≪Evidence for Political≫ 4.1 Imperial food educational association ☆食育・食養 ☆石塚左玄(1850-1909) ‘In the Meiji period, it was organized to support the health of people through the principle of grain food.’ (Sato2009:87)
≪Evidence for Political≫ 4.1 Imperial food educational association ☆After the 日露戦争(1904-05) →○Japanese daily meal ×western meals True purpose: Exclusive Nationalism =POLITICAL
≪Evidence for political≫ 4.2:早寝早起き朝ごはん国民運動 ☆食育基本法(2005) ☆文部科学省主導(2006~) ‘To improve the motivation to learn and the physical strength of children by such lifestyle’ (MEXT2015)
≪Evidence for political≫ 4.2:早寝早起き朝ごはん国民運動 ☆食育基本法第13条 国民の責務 国民は、家庭、学校、保育所、地域その他の社会のあらゆる分野において、基本理念にのっとり、生涯にわたり健全な食生活の実現に自ら努めるとともに、食育の推進に寄与するよう努めるものとする。 ☆Enforcement by the government=POLITICAL
outline 1. Introduction 2. Defining terms 3. Evidences for Natural 4. Evidences for Political 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 7. My thesis
≪Analysis for Natural≫ 4.1 Daily Culture ☆farming⇔politics ☆Annual events were important elements in politics originally.>Daily Culture of People Daily culture is NOT enough for the evidence of Natural→3.5/5
≪Analysis for natural≫ 4.2 Social Change ☆安価な油→照明時間(夜)の延長=1日3食 ☆明暦の大火(1657)→江戸の復興 …True purpose:労働時間の延長>食 ‘Japanese food habit had been often changed by some national (political)demands in the times.’ Social Change is NOT for the evidence of Natural→4/5
≪Analysis for political≫ 4.1 Imperial food educational association ☆ナショナリズム拡大を目的とした食育運動 ☆活動期間:3年 ☆メンバー:300人未満 Imperial food educational association is NOT for the evidence of Political→4/5
≪Analysis for political≫ 4.2:早寝早起き朝ごはん国民運動 ☆食育基本法「国民の責務」 ☆家庭・学校・民間企業などが積極的に参加 →Social not political ‘government has the initiative BUT people participate actively.’ 早寝早起き朝ごはん国民運動 is NOT enough for the evidence of Political→3/5
まとめ Analysis for Natural:7.5/10 1) Daily Culture: 3.5 2) Social Change: 4 Analysis for Political:7/10 1)帝国食育会:4 2) 早寝早起き朝ごはん国民運動:3
POLITICAL Conclusion Japanese Food Culture: ‘It has influenced and changed by the power of the government at those times.’
My Thesis 明治の食育思想から 現代の食育「早寝早起き朝ごはん」まで: なぜ国家は食へ介入するのか